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    OLOMO 咖啡烘焙比賽




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    (網站原價 $999 - 折扣代碼優惠 $499)。



    聖安東尼奧·德·埃斯基普拉斯與其附屬產業(San Antonio de Esquipulas y Anexos),又稱聖安東尼奧莊園,是位於瓜地馬拉韋韋特南戈拉德莫克拉西亞著名咖啡產區內,Joya Grande山脈(Nim Jul)中心地帶的一個具有社會責任感和環保意識的咖啡莊園。

    該莊園與薇薇特南果最高處的克薩爾特南戈地區接壤,咖啡種植高度範圍為海拔1,600至2,000米,這裡提供了種植高品質咖啡的理想氣候。莊園於1965年1月由弗朗西斯科·奧瓦列·門德斯(Francisco Ovalle Mendez)創立,至今已有近60年的生產和出口特色咖啡的經驗,目前由弗朗西斯科的兒子們管理,代表著第二代充滿熱情的咖啡生產者。


    聖安東尼奧莊園因其卓越的品質而享譽國際,並在如卓越杯(Cup of Excellence,C.O.E)和「One of a Kind」等比賽中獲得多項國際獎項。該莊園的咖啡通過了著名咖啡公司如 illy 和星巴克的認證,這證明了其始終如一的高品質。


    San Antonio de Esquipulas y Anexos, also known as San Antonio Estate, is a socially conscious and environmentally friendly coffee estate located in the heart of the Joya Grande Mountains (Nim Jul), in the well known coffee producing region of La Democracia, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
    The estate borders the Quetzaltenango region in the highest parts of Huehuetenango where coffee is planted at a range of 1,600 to 2,000 meters above sea level, offering an ideal climate for cultivating high-quality coffee.
    The farm was established by Francisco Ovalle Mendez in January 1965, the estate now boasts nearly 60 years of experience in producing and exporting distinctive coffee, and is currently managed by Francisco's sons, representing the second generation of  passionate coffee producers.

    The estate is renowned for its very traditional coffee cultivars, such as Bourbon, Caturra, and Catuai. Its coffee plantation has been carefully cultivated using sustainable farming techniques that emphasize environmental stewardship. San Antonio Estate has eliminated the use of pesticides, finding a natural balance between pests and their predators, and uses organic material from shade trees to prevent soil degradation. The estate’s focus on sustainability extends to its wet mill, where coffee is processed with minimal environmental impact and dried on patios to preserve its unique flavor.

    San Antonio Estate has earned a reputation for excellence, having been recognized with numerous international awards in competitions such as the Cup of Excellence (C.O.E) and One of a Kind. The estate’s coffee is certified by renowned coffee companies like illy and Starbucks, a testament to its consistently high quality.

    The Ovalle family, alongside their long-time employees, is dedicated not only to producing exceptional coffee but also to supporting the local community and economy. Many of their workers have been with the estate since its early days, and the family believes that coffee should create both social and economic impact. They invite coffee lovers from around the world to enjoy their distinctive blends, which reflect their deep passion for coffee and commitment to sustainability.


    -莊園:聖安東尼奧莊園 San Antonio Farm
    產區:薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango, La Democracia
    處理法:日曬 Natural
    品種:波旁 Bourbon
    採收年份:2023-24 Crop
    含水量:10.8 %
    密度:851 g/L
    !!此批次為2024 Olomo 冠強盃咖啡烘豆賽 指定賽豆!!


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