+886 (02)2366-1556



🎉 新品上市,搶先體驗!🎉

我們很高興地宣布,我們精心挑選的來自 瓜地馬拉衣索比亞 的小批次精品咖啡豆已經到貨!這些特殊批次絕對值得您的關注:

來自 瓜地馬拉 的推薦:

🌟 Finca Morelia茉莉莊園,藝伎 蜜處理,榮獲 COE#5 獎項

🌟 El Injerto 艾茵赫特莊園 4 個批次,包括:SL28水洗、黃卡杜艾水洗、紅卡杜艾水洗、Nativo   水洗批次

🌟 Capetillo 小王子莊園 帕卡瑪拉品種 日曬處理

🌟 La Bella 碧雅莊園 2 個著名品種帕卡瑪拉和薇拉莎奇,水洗和日曬處理均有,讓您的客戶體驗同一豆種別具風味的不同處理

🌟 以及來自 Juan Carlos 小農批次與 Rabanales 哈瓦那莊園的微批次

來自 衣索比亞 的推薦:
✨ 8 個全新批次的日曬處理和蜜處理微批次,絕對值得特別關注!

📢 我們即將在八月底和九月開始全台巡迴杯測活動,準備了許多獨家杯測會!希望您能找到離您最近的一場,期待您的參與。

📲 請登記並預留您的名額,以隨時獲取活動資訊:VIP Ergos 新品到港杯測活動預訂 https://forms.gle/Lw4jte61Zaypkdym7

--- (English version bellow) ---

🎉New products are on the market, be the first to try them! 🎉

We are happy to announce the arrival of the carefully selected small batch coffee beans from Guatemala and Ethiopia, special lots that are worth mentioning 

From Guatemala our recommendations

  • Finca Morelia, Geisha variety honey process COE#5 winner 
  • El Injerto farm 4 lots that include: SL28 washed, Yellow Catuai washed, Red Catuai washed, and Nativo washed lot.
  • Capetillo farm Pacamara natural process
  • La Bella farm with its 2 famous varieties Pacamara and Villa Sarchi both on washed and natural process, can be a very special experience to your clients to show them the same beans in two different process.
  • As well as micro lots from Juan Carlos farmer and Rabanales farm.

From Ethiopia we also have just received 8 new batches of Natural process and Honey micro lots, all worth special attention.


📢 We are about to start a Taiwan-wide cupping tour at the end of Aug and September. We are preparing many exclusive cupping events around Taiwan. We hope you can find one that is close to you, we are looking forward to your participation, 

please register and reserve your space in the link to be updated about these events

📲 reserve your space VIP Ergos new arrival cupping events


📢 For more real-time information and event previews, join our @LINE account 📲 https://line.me/R/ti/p/@ergoscoffee (Link in bio)

QR codes (LINE@ / 報價單 / 杯測活動報名)