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    2024 瓜地馬拉 COE 第五名


    茉莉莊園的莊主José 是一位擁有多年經驗的農夫,以其卓越的咖啡獲得了多個地區性和國際性獎項的肯定。他對咖啡種植深厚的知識以及馬塔克斯昆特拉(Mataquescuintla)地區的深入了解,驅使他創立了茉莉莊園Finca Morelia,僅專注生產異國特殊咖啡品種,並在微批次處理廠進行咖啡後製處理。而這批藝伎咖啡來自精心挑選的種子農場。


    該農場海拔約 1,500 至 1,815 米,得益於火山浮石土壤,這為其咖啡的獨特風味增色不少。

    在 2024 年,茉莉莊園的藝伎品種使用蜜處理法,在瓜地馬拉卓越杯競賽中,以得分 88.89榮獲第五名獎項。


    Its owner, José, a farmer with many years of experience, is well-known for winning numerous regional and international awards for his exceptional coffees. His deep knowledge of coffee cultivation and the Mataquescuintla region inspired him to establish Finca Morelia, focusing solely on producing exotic coffee varieties using micro-lot wet mill processing. This particular Gesha lot comes from a carefully selected seed farm.

    Mataquescuintla, often referred to as the "Swiss Alps of Guatemala," is one of the highest-producing regions within Fraijanes. Its cold nights, hot days, clean environment, and mountainous valleys make it ideal for both coffee production and high-quality dairy farms, which are renowned throughout Guatemala.

    The farm sits at an altitude of approximately 1,500 to 1,815 meters and benefits from volcanic pumice soil, contributing to the unique flavor profiles of its coffee.

    In 2024, Morelia’s Gesha variety, processed using the Honey method, earned 5th place in the Guatemala Cup of Excellence competition with a score of 88.89. The Honey process enhances the coffee’s sweetness and complexity, making it stand out in international competitions.


    • 莊園:茉莉莊園 Morelia farm
    • 產區:法漢尼斯產區- ataquescuintla
    • 種植海拔:1614m - 1815m
    • 處理法:蜜處理法
    • 品種:藝伎
    • 土壤:火山浮石
    • 遮蔭樹:Inga
    • 採收時間:十二月至三月
    • 年雨量:1500-3000mm
    • 溼度:70-90%
    • 年均溫:12-26ºC
    • 含水量:11.1%
    • 風味描述:葡萄汁 水蜜桃.蘋果汁 榛果 玫瑰花.楓糖

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